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by Constanza Macras |DORKYPARK and 


Co production: Hellerau, Dresden & Schaubühne, Berlin


Director / Choreography: Constanza Macras

Assistant Director: Felipe Amaya / Nikoletta Fischer
Music / Composition: Oscar Bianchi
Dramaturgy: Carmen Mehnert

Stage: Laura Gamberg / Chika Takabayashi

Costume Design: Allie Saunders
Costume Assistant: Daphna Munz

Light: Sergio Pessanha
Sound: Stephan Wöhrmann
Stage: Laura Gamberg / Chika Takabayashi
Metal Works: Werner Knoof, Andreas Nestler
Stage Manager: Welko Funke

Assistant to the music composer: Vincenzo Mazzone, Clara Calero Durán
Trainees: Marlene Kolatschny, Lea Gugger, Victor Colmenero Mir, Laia Alberich Casañas, Louise Douet-Sinenberg

By and with: Louis Becker, Emil Bordás, Fernanda Farah, Luc Guiol, Miako Klein, Nile Koetting, Johanna Lemke, Ana Mondini, Felix Saalmann, Miki Shoji, Yuka Otha
Musicians: Miako Klein, Yuka Otha


Photo ©Thomas Aurin

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